Sunday, 6 June 2010

June's Charity - The Cheltenham Blind Club

Cheltenham Blind Club meets at
Highbury on the first Wednesday
afternoon of each month. It’s aim is to
enable people who are blind or visually
impaired to meet for companionship
and friendship.

Members come through referral from
Social Services or by word of mouth,
perhaps through having a friend who
is also a member. Whilst the sociability
of the club is of paramount
importance, each meeting will have
activities or a special speaker.
Recent entertainment has included a
local poet, Dave Walton, a talk on
Japan and an opportunity to revisit
memorabilia from the 40s and 50s
brought along by two ladies who have
retired from their work in the museum.
The varied programme has also given
members chance to enjoy a musical
experience and a light-hearted quiz.
June will explore the origins of nursery
rhymes, and July will have a seasonal
strawberries and cream flavour.

The club has the potential for 25
members of whom the majority are
elderly. This means that besides the
problems of visual impairment many
also have hearing loss and mobility
problems. These general health
problems increase the risk of
loneliness and isolation.

Transport is needed to and from the
club and this is where the greatest
financial need lies. Members who are
brought by taxi pay £4 (which includes
their contribution towards
refreshments) whilst other members
pay £1. They are grateful for the
understanding and reliable services
given by the taxis that are used, the
drivers are described as “superb and
helpful”. Some volunteers also help
with the transport.

The club is now run by John Mould
with his wife Patricia who heard about
the club through a friend at Trinity
Church. John has expressed his
gratitude to the regular voluntary
helpers Lillian, Pat, Valerie, Jenny and

Money that we raise will be especially
used to help with subsidising transport
costs as well as helping towards fees
and donations to the speakers. There
are currently places for some more
members so if you know of someone
(of any age) who would like to know
more, they should contact either John
Mould: 01386 443352 or Celia Kelly:
01242 221170.

Chosen Charity for June:
Cheltenham Blind Club
PRAYER CHAIN REQUESTS - please contact Lorraine Gasside (239838).
Please remember the Cheltenham Blind Club in your prayers -
its members, the organisers - John and Patricia, the taxi drivers,
all the volunteers, and those who speak or ‘entertain’