Saturday, 30 November 2013

December and Christmas Charity - Embrace the Middle East Syria Appeal

Embrace the Middle East is the exciting new name for BibleLands, a Christian charity which was set up in 1854.  In its 150+ years of existence they have worked in many countries in the Near and Middle East.  Currently Embrace supports projects in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt. Although they do not routinely work in Syria, during the current crisis there, they have been supporting the work of local church leaders to bring food to internally displaced persons.

Detailed research showed that the previous name conjured up an old-fashioned image and led people to believe that they distributed Bibles or were an overtly evangelistic charity.  While Embrace believes in the importance of the Word of God and its dissemination, distribution of Bibles is not part of their charitable purpose. Embrace the Middle East was chosen because it described the work and reflected the Christian calling to welcome the stranger, feed the hungry and help the homeless (Matthew 25).  It was also felt that embrace was a very Biblical concept, one that invoked the inclusiveness that goes to the very heart of the Gospel.

One paraphrase translation of Jesus’ comments in Mark 9 verse 37 reads: "Whoever embraces one of these children as I do embraces me, and far more than me - God who sent me."

Embrace the Middle East is a non-governmental, inter-denominational charity supporting Christian-led humanitarian projects in the Middle East. Embrace seeks to improve the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the Middle East in partnership with local Christians, focusing on education, healthcare and community development – regardless of their faith or nationality.

Babies in the land of Christ's birth are going without vital medicines and nutrition. An Embrace-supported Well Baby clinic, run by Gazan Christians, is working under extreme pressure to bring medicines and nutritional support to babies at risk. The clinic provides milk, iron supplements and medicines free of charge. The staff monitor growth and advise parents on how to make sure their children's food retains as many nutrients as possible.  Please help reach them before it's too late.    

Registered Charity 1076329

Sunday, 3 November 2013

November - The Langley House Trust and the Knole

As a Christian Charity, our mission at Langley House Trust is to work with those who are at risk of offending, or have offended, establishing positive foundations so that they can lead crime-free lives and become contributors to society.

At Langley House Trust we believe all people are:
made in God’s image
loved by Him regardless
called into community
offered redemption by His grace
promised His glory

Our Vision 

The Trust will work towards the fulfillment of its vision of a crime-free society where no-one is unfairly disadvantaged or excluded because of their past.

The Knole in Cheltenham is a Registered Care Home, which provides accommodation for fourteen men aged 30 years and over.

The Knole aims to enable and equip former offenders to address their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs within a caring Christian environment.

We aim to assist each person to progress towards more personal independence, learning life and social skills in order to live a fulfilling and crime-free life.

We also offer a floating support service which is able to support residents in their own accommodation after their stay at the project.

The Knole is committed to achieving equal opportunities for all. Religion, race, nationality, disability, age and sexual orientation will not be part of the selection criteria.

We will challenge any discriminatory attitude within the house.

The staff provide each resident with a confidentiality policy through which they seek to safeguard and keep secure all confidential information received regarding an individual.

With your support we can continue our work to help overcome the challenges faced by our residents, such as gaining meaningful employment or voluntary work, furthering education, and enhancing social skills in order for them to rebuild their lives and become part of the wider community.

If you wish to find out more about our valuable work please visit our website at or contact The Knole on 01242 526978.