Sunday, 8 November 2015

November - The Knole and Langley House Trust

Helping People to Live Crime-Free Lives

T: 01242 526978
Twitter: @LangleyHseTrust

Address: The Knole, 23 Griffiths Avenue, Cheltenham, Glos GL51 7BE
The Knole is a registered care home, providing tailored support and care for men leaving prison and those at risk of offending. At any one time, we support 14 men to rebuild their lives and reintegrate into their communities, as well supporting 2 individuals in their own homes once they have moved on from the project. We have a long track record of success in helping men to turn their lives around after crime and start afresh.

The Knole has been established in Cheltenham as a place of hope for over 50 years. We have gained a good reputation with the community and we are well connected both with the police and probation services and also other service providers such as the NHS and social services. We provide  high-quality person-centred care and support to all our residents which includes lots of one-to-one key working sessions and inspirational moments, generating new vision for a preferred future and a genuine hope that life can be better.

Our team of trained and dedicated staff work with residents day-by-day to achieve their goals. There is always someone on hand for a resident to talk to – day or night. We are committed to providing the best possible support and care to help residents in their journey to crime-free living.

The men who come to our project have a range of issues which can include mental health issues, physical health needs, personality disorders and drug and alcohol addictions. Many of our residents have been in prison for a long time and therefore need carefully managed support to adjust to life in the community.

Our aims are to:          Reduce reoffending and enable crime-free living
-          Help residents gain increased independence and autonomy so that they can successfully live in the community
-          Support residents to build positive relationships and networks which support crime-free living
-          Encourage residents to manage their medication and take ownership for their care and risk management plans
-          Improve physical and mental health and wellbeing

Prayer points: please continue to pray for the staff team – that we may be both professional in assessing and managing risk but equally inspirational in rebuilding broken lives. Please also pray that our residents may understand the love of God as it is authentically demonstrated by the staff team on a daily basis and, as a result, the grace of God may impact their lives in a truly miraculous way.

For further information about our work please visit

Langley House Trust
Registered Office: Buttercross House, 16 Langdale Gate, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 6RL. Registered in England and Wales as a Company Limited by Guarantee No. 7888191.
Langley House Trust is registered as a Charity with the Charity Commission No. 1146304 and as a Social Housing Provider with the Homes and Communities Agency No. 4693.